We licensed and custom developed for our client Reycom AG our IPTV smart living multiscreen platform, focusing not just on TV but on the user’s experience as a whole.
The solution integrates an open, secure, state-of-the-art Smart Home solution, supporting Pay TV services, gaming and e-commerce with Lightning fast voice control and an intuitive interface.
The personalised, branded user interface offers the operator or broadcaster the flexibility to enhance the core brand identity through an ultra-fast user interface experience.
The platform has been designed as a modular and adaptive service, with the truly attractive option of using voice commands, and it is also possible to add quick features to the platform seamlessly and effortlessly by upgrading existing user infrastructure. As an OTT platform.
The solution includes the IPTV client, middleware, nPVR, catch-up, smart home, and local-language voice integration with multiple devices for user-building scenarios on STBs, TVs, smartphones, tablets, PCs, smartwatches and smart home devices.
Technologies: Android, Java, Kotlin, C/C++, Retrofit, RxJava, Dagger2, Protobuf/gRPC, Firebase
Testimony:“We, at Reycom, believe in the goals and the work done by Asperitas Solutions throughout the past years. We’ve been collaborating with them and we have seen the work they do in activities such as secure TV, Smart Living and IoT Software and Solutions.”
-Pascal Rey, Chief Executive Officer